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Ladies of Solutions, Change, and Innovation Bylaws


Article I: Name 

The name of this organization shall be Ladies of SCI, “Ladies of Soultions, Change, and Innovation,” herein referred to as the "Organization." 


Article II: Mission, Vision, Goals/Objectives 

Section 1: Mission 

The Ladies of SCI is a nonpartisan organization committed to providing solutions for change in an innovative way. We stive to advance meaningful, equitable, and sustainable change within Wisconsin’s criminal-legal landscape. This includes, but is not limited to, advocating for policy changes, supporting individuals affected by the criminal-legal system, and promoting community engagement.


Section 2: Vision 

The Organization envisions a society where the criminal-legal system is fair, just, and equitable for all individuals, regardless of race, socioeconomic status, or other factors. We envision a system that prioritizes community safety and well-being, promotes rehabilitation and reintegration, and upholds the dignity of human right of all people involved. We strive to build a society where the cycle of incarceration is broken, and where systemic injustices are addressed and eradicated. 

Section 3: Goals/Objectives 

The goals and objectives of the Organization shall include: 

  • Advocating for legislative reforms aimed at addressing systemic inequalities within the criminal-legal system. 

  • Building and cultivating legislative relationships to advance the work of criminal-legal reform. 

  • Raising awareness and promoting education about issues related to criminal-legal reform within the community. 

  • Collaborating with other organizations and stakeholders to effect meaningful change in the criminal-legal system. 

  • Empower communities to actively engage in the process of criminal justice reform. 


Article III: Board of Directors 

Section 1: Composition 

The Board of Directors shall consist of no fewer than 3 and no more than 10 members. Board members shall be selected based on their commitment to the Organization's mission, expertise in relevant fields, and ability to contribute effectively to the governance and strategic direction of the Organization.


Section 2: Powers 

The Board of Directors shall have the authority to: 

  • Approving major decisions affecting the Organization's mission, programs, and finances. 

  • Hiring, evaluating, and, if necessary, terminating the Executive Director. 

  • Establishing committees and task forces as needed to assist in carrying out the work of the Organization. 


Section 3: Officers 

The officers of the Board shall include a President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer. Their duties shall include: 

  • The President shall preside over meetings of the Board, provide leadership and direction to the Organization, and serve as its primary spokesperson. 

  • The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in their absence and assist with other duties as assigned. 

  • The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep accurate records of all Board meetings, maintain official correspondence, and ensure compliance with legal requirements. They shall oversee the financial operations of the Organization, including budgeting, financial reporting, and internal controls. These duties may be divided between multiple board members. 


Section 4: Terms 

Board members shall serve staggered terms of 2 years, with a maximum of 3 consecutive terms. Terms shall be staggered to ensure continuity and institutional memory within the Board. 


Article IV: Membership 

The Organization may establish membership categories and criteria as determined by the Board of Directors. Membership benefits may include voting rights, access to programs and services, and opportunities for engagement in the Organization's work. 

Article V: Meetings 

Section 1: Board Meetings 

Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at least annually, with special meetings called as needed. Meetings may be conducted in person, by telephone, or via electronic means, provided that members can participate fully. 

Section 2: Quorum 

A quorum for Board meetings shall consist of 50%of the total voting members. If a quorum is not present, no official business may be conducted, but informal discussions and presentations may still take place. 


Article VI: Amendments 

These bylaws may be amended by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors at any regular or special meeting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment is given in writing at least thirty days prior to the meeting. Any amendments to these bylaws shall be recorded in the official minutes of the meeting. 


Article VII Dissolution 

In the event of the dissolution of the Organization, any remaining assets shall be distributed to one or more tax-exempt organizations with a similar mission, as determined by the Board of Directors. This decision shall be made in accordance with applicable laws and regulations governing nonprofit organizations. 


Article VIII: Adoption 

These bylaws shall become effective upon adoption by the Board of Directors. All previous bylaws and amendments are hereby repealed. 



These bylaws were approved by the Board of Directors of Ladies of SCI on March 11, 2024

Article XIV: Signature Authorization

President: Sue Pastor                              Date: 3/11/24
Sue Pastor
Vice-President: Megan Kolb                   Date: 3/11/24
Megan Kolb
Secretary/Treasurer: Betty Ziehme        Date: 3/11/24
Betty Ziehme

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