Ladies of SCI
Solutions, Change, and Innovation
The Ladies of SCI began as a group of nonpartisan ladies with loved ones incarcerated at Stanley Correctional Institution. We could no longer accept how the WI DOC was misleading the general public and our legislators regarding the conditions in our prisons and the reasons for them. The excuse of short staffing is just that, an excuse.
The deteriorating conditions are due to excessive sentences, lack of drug treatment, lack of mental health services, lack of programming, lack of proper reentry services, demoralizing treatment/abuse by correctional officers, revocation policies, and truth in sentencing.
In place of evidence based practices proven to reduce recidivism, the WI DOC uses punitive and arbitrary punishments as excuses to lock people down in cells, and suspend the little programming or help that is available.
Our mission is to spread awareness to people in our communities and to legislators, exposing the grim truths of incarceration, and advocating for desperately needed change. Many other states have had the same problems as Wisconsin and have found new and innovative ways to make positive changes. These changes have had a profound positive impact to corrections when employed, saving millions of dollars and more importantly lives. It is time for Wisconsin to start using these solutions and others and stop wasting millions of tax dollars on a punishment only system that sets people coming back to our communities up for failure, not success. Who do you want your neighbor to be?