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DSPS Complaint Instructions

The Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) is a cabinet-level department that is charged with the licensure of various professions operating throughout the state including educators, social workers, health care professionals, psychologists, counselors, and others. As part of that responsibility, DSPS operates a complaint program which allows individuals to lodge grievances against licensed professionals for wrongdoing of various kinds. DSPS is statutorily obligated to investigate all complaints received, and to take disciplinary action as necessary and appropriate. DSPS responsibility and authority includes those licensed professionals employed by the Department of Corrections. 

We know that there have and continue to be many incidences in our correctional facilities where direct-service providers are not providing quality, professional, and accessible care/services as required by the professional organizations and bodies who these employees are accountable to. Through the complaint process of DSPS, there is an opportunity to vocalize the misconduct, subpar professionalism, and in many cases, negligible care/services such individuals are required to provide. By utilizing the complaint process, there is opportunity to begin demanding the degree of accountability that is necessary to assure quality health / mental health care, case management, education, and counseling services are being delivered within our correctional institutions. 

By accessing the DSPS website, individuals have the opportunity to look-up the license of any provider and find details about previous discipline, current standing, and other relevant data. If you are interested, please click here.

To initiate complaint processes, please click here.


To better understand the professional responsibilities and ethics of various direct-service providers operating within our correctional institutions, please follow the links below. And please know, that these organizations may have their own complaint processes you can utilize. 


National Association of Social Workers


American Psychological Association


American Nurses Association


American Medical Association

National Association for Addiction Professionals

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