DOC Policy Reference Documents
Knowledge is power, and this is especially true in the case of the Department of Corrections.
These policy documents are what the DOC utilizes to justify most every and all decisions, but the sad truth is, in many cases, they do not even comply with their own written guidelines. As such, when advocating within this system, it is vital that you are equipped with their own language so that you can confront wrongdoing and misapplication. Equally, if not more important, having an awareness of the current policies of the DOC, you can prepare yourself to challenge and request changes in the policies that are outdated, capricious, arbitrary, or that function to undermine the true goal of the correctional system: protect the public, rehabilitate offenders, and create successful pathways for individuals to return to their communities.
As you will find from reviewing our Administrative Rules advocacy page, the DOC has created a number of administrative rules that have the full force and effect of law. Administrative Rules operate as a resource for the department to carry out its responsibilities by interpreting and complying with statutes and other acts of legislation passed by the state legislature. The department has created several chapters of administrative rules governing most every area of inmate care, programming, treatment, and supervision. Regrettably, most, if not all of these rules, have been drafted in a highly ambiguous way rooted in traditional models of corrections management. When dealing with the DOC, they will rely heavily upon their own administrative rules, and as such, it is important for you to have the ability to reference them. The link below, will take you to the DOC's website with a complete listing of their administrative rules. DOC Administrative Rules
The following link will take you to the DOC website where they provide a comprehensive listing of many of their policies. The number of policies may feel overwhelming, but there is a search bar you can use to type in keywords. DOC Policy Page
Finally, the Electronic Case Reference Manual (ECRM) is a step-by-step policy manual for DOC case managers and probation agents to use in managing the range of "case management" type requests that may come up during an individual's incarceration such as visiting, furlough requests, classification, program assignments, etc... The department has created a relatively intuitive navigation system for this document. We encourage you to use this document for any particular issues that may come up. Electronic Case Reference Manual
We truly hope you find this information both helpful and powerful. Please do not hesitate to contact us using our online contact form should you need support in any matter concerning DOC policy.